Susannah Wesley Auxiliary Mission - SUWMA

The Organisation has a vision of continuously moving into serious evangelism to aid the needy and win souls for Christ.

As the organisation engages in its work it must always consider itself as an arm of the Church sharing the works of the Church and building the body of Christ.


List of Current SUWMA Officers

Aims and Objectives:

  • It shall be the prime aim of SUWMA to endeavour to enlist all women who are full members of the Methodist Church.
  • To inculcate in the members the spirit of Holiness and Godly living, both at home, in the Church and in society.
  • To teach members to give prime attention to the nurturing of children in the Christian Faith.
  • SUWMA shall endeavour to enlist children in the ages 8 to 17 into JUNIOR SUWMA at the society level. These shall preferably be the children of SUWMA members at the initial stages.
  • To assist in the Welfare and Training of Ministers of the Church.
  • To embark upon illiteracy education among women who can neither read nor write.
  • To assist in the cleaning, decorating of chapels, church premises and manses.To help serve refreshments and food during various meetings of the church.
  • To embark on visitation to prisons, hospitals, the aged and destitute in the church and society in general.
  • To put in place special programmes such as pre-marital, continuous marital counselling and career counselling.
  • To provide training in cottage industry as so to eliminate poverty and crime in society.
  • To co-operate in whatever ways possible with other organisations in the church to win souls and build the body of CHRIST.